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Empowering Women and Communities in Southern Africa

At Girl in the Wilderness, we are passionate about making a meaningful impact on the lives of women in conservation and communities residing alongside wilderness areas in Southern Africa. Our initiatives are designed to empower women through education, sustainable resources, and support, with a particular focus on tackling the pressing issue of period poverty that affects countless young women's education and health.


Addressing Period Poverty: Our Menstrual Cup Initiative

Period poverty remains a significant barrier to education and empowerment for young women in Southern Africa. The lack of access to sanitary products leads to missed school days, compromising their education and future prospects. In sub-Saharan Africa, including Southern Africa, it's estimated that a substantial number of women and girls are forced to resort to using unsanitary materials like rags, leaves, or nothing at all due to the unaffordability of menstrual products​​​​.

Our commitment at Girl in the Wilderness is to distribute 1000 menstrual cups annually to young women affected by period poverty in Southern Africa. This initiative not only provides an immediate solution to their menstrual hygiene needs but also promotes a long-term, eco-friendly approach to menstrual care.

The goals of our menstrual cup initiative include:

  • Significantly reducing school absenteeism among young women due to menstrual challenges.

  • Offering a sustainable, cost-effective menstrual hygiene solution that can last for years, reducing the economic burden on families.

  • Raising awareness and providing education on menstrual health, breaking the stigma and taboos associated with menstruation.


Be Part of the Change

We invite you to join our cause and help us empower women and communities in Southern Africa. Your support can make a tangible difference in the lives of many, promoting not only conservation and sustainable living but also education and gender equality.

Your involvement can help us reach our goal of alleviating period poverty through the distribution of menstrual cups, ensuring that no young woman has to compromise her education or health due to menstruation.

To learn more about how you can contribute or become involved, please speak to us to get involved!


Together, we can empower women and communities in Southern Africa for a better, more sustainable future.

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